Monday, November 13, 2006

-- The Democrats' Agenda

Rush Limbaugh recently said of the Democrats and their landslide victory in taking over both the House and the Senate, "They advance no agenda other than their usual anti-war position. They have no contract. They really do not get specific. Their message was one of, 'vote for us, the other guys have been in power too long.'"

So, let's see if we can shine some light on the Democratic Agenda for Rush and others of his ilk who don't seem to understand why the American voters felt it was necessary to remove the Republicans from power on November 7, 2006.

1. We will end the Republican culture of corruption and restore a government as good as the people it serves, starting with real ethics reform.

If you think this isn't necessary, you might want to remember Mark Foley, Duke Cunningham and Tom Delay. Do you need more examples? Fortunately, they can be provided.

2. We will protect Americans at home and lead the world by telling the truth to our troops, our citizens and our allies. We believe in a strong national defense that is both tough and smart, recognizing that homeland security begins with hometown security.

Let's put that another way. We will not claim that there are Weapons of Mass Destruction when we know there are not. We will not try to obfuscate the truth by bringing up September 11 every time we want to further our own objectives.

3. We will create a cleaner, greener and stronger America by reducing our dependence on foreign oil, eliminating billions in subsidies for oil and gas companies and use the savings to provide consumer relief and develop energy alternatives, and investing in energy independent technology.

This does not mean that we reduce the Alaska wilderness to rubble by over-exploiting it, as some would like us to do. This means finding new means of energy, while working to conserve our environment.

4. We will create jobs that stay in America and restore opportunity for all Americans, starting with raising the minimum wage, expanding Pell grants and making college tuition tax deductible. We also believe in budget discipline that reduces our deficit.

Raising the minimum wage. Does that sound familiar? It was raised to $5.15 in 1997 and has not been increased since, despite the fact that Democrats have tried to get it raised. In fact, only by tying it to a decrease in estate taxes were the Republicans even willing to bring it to the floor, where it was rejected by Democrats and many moderate Republicans for the shameless sham that it was.

5. We will join 36 other industrialized nations in making sure everyone has access to affordable health care, starting by fixing the prescription drug program and investing in stem cell and other medical research.

Remember when the Clinton Administration tried to fix the healtchare problem and in 1994, the Republicans soundly defeated any chance of it? I'm not suggesting that the proposal put forth by Hillary and her Commission was the perfect solution, but at least it was a start. What has happened since? What solutions have the Republicans put forth to provide equitable health care for all Americans? For twelve years the Republicans have controlled the House and Senate, and for six years they've held the White House as well, yet nothing has changed. Why isn't Medicare allowed to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices for our senior citizens? Maybe Rush meant if it's not important enough to be on the Republicans' Agenda, they can ignore it when the Democrats bring it up.

6. We will ensure
that a retirement with dignity is the right and expectation of every single American, starting with pension reform, expanding saving incentives and preventing the privatization of social security.

Does that one scare you? Social Security will remain federally funded, even though the Republicans would love to see it taken out of the government's control so that it stops bleeding the government, but Democrats understand that hard working men and women in this country paid into the system and they deserve to reap whatever benefit from it they can. If it were left to the Republicans, many of our retirees would be on Skid Row.

7. The Democratic Party believes that it is our responsibility to protect America's extraordinary natural resources. The health of our families and the strength of our economy depend on our stewardship of the environment.

This is probably a difficult concept for many Republicans, since they see natural resources as an impediment to progress. Republicans would clear cut the nation's forests, strip mine our fields, pollute our waters and reduce our mountain ranges to fields all in the name of profits. Democrats understand that natural habitats are vital parts of the ecosystem, and that we are responsible for the other creatures with which we share this planet. We'll continue to ensure that they have their place here.

8. Democrats
are unwavering in our support of equal opportunity for all Americans. That's why we’ve worked to pass every one of our nation’s Civil Rights laws, and every law that protects workers. Most recently, Democrats stood together to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act.

Were it not for Democrats, we wouldn't have unions; we wouldn't have the American's with Disabilities Act; we wouldn't have Minimum Wage; we wouldn't have laws regulating safe working environments. In fact, the civil liberties that most of us take for granted we have because Democrats fought hard in the face of Republicans to ensure their passage.

9. A fundamental tenet of our democracy is the right to vote and have that vote counted. We must be vigilant in protecting this right and ensuring that our voting system is fair for every American.

I think what most upsets Rush and others like him is that the Democrats were finally successful in thwarting attempts to steal another election. We ensured that there were people at the polling places to keep an eye on the Republicans. Even in Florida, where nothing even close to a fair election is held, a Democrat by the name of Ion Sancho worked tirelessly to make sure that the voting in Leon County was fair and accurate, something that never seemed to concern Republican Katherine Harris. Note that her bid for Bill Nelson's job failed in the November 7 election.

By the way, all
of these agenda items can be found on the website for the Democratic party at It would certainly be uncharacteristic of Rush Limbaugh to actually do some research before shooting off his mouth, but if, instead of stating that the Democrats don't have an agenda, he had simply Googled "Democrats Agenda" he would have found this for himself. Imagine, Rush not taking the time to do that before making a total fool of himself.

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