Wednesday, November 15, 2006

-- Another President Clinton?

It seems that every time you hear the name of Hillary Clinton you hear something hateful being associated with it. She is scorned, ridiculed, vilified, and openly hated in every state in this country, and is constantly assailed in the press for everything she says or does. Yet she was re-elected to the Senate by an overwhelming majority of 67%, up considerably from the 55% who elected her in 2000.

In her home state of New York only 33% of the people voted against her, yet she is still one of the most hated people living today. Why? What has she done that is so heinous as to deserve such treatment?

Put that question out and you'll get many answers, but what you won't get are any tangible facts that support them. People hate Hillary for no apparent reason other than they want to hate her. Period. She hasn't done anything, or said anything so terrible to deserve the horrible things that are said about her daily, but the hatred continues.

So, let's take a look at some of the things Hillary has done; she continued to work on her career while her husband was the governor of Arkansas. She became the first first-lady with a post-graduate degree, which she earned by writing a thesis on the rights of children. As first-lady she continued to work for the rights of children, as well as the rights of women. She's a mother. She is the first first-lady to leave the white house and begin her own political career.

As first-lady she lead a task force that was charged with solving the health care problem in our country. I won't try to suggest that her plan was a success, or even the right plan for our nation, but she at least came up with a plan. Name me one person since who has done the same. Health care is still a major problem, and was named as one of the major issues by voters in 2006.

When her husband cheated on her, she refused to leave him. This should be her right and her choice, but for some reason she seems to have garnered quite a bit of animosity for her decision. Had she left him, she would undoubtedly still have been hated, albeit for making a different decision, and probably by the same people.

Personally, I admire Hillary. I think she's a caring woman who only wants to do what she believes to be right, and I don't think it's fair of people to hate her without reason. Show just cause or rethink your position. I also hope she runs for President, and if she does, I hope she chooses her husband as her running mate. Our laws prevent him from becoming president again, but they don't prevent him from being vice-president. I think having the two Clintons officially running this country would be the best thing we could do following the devastation of our civil rights under the current administration.

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