Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sample Letter on Congressional Reform

The following is a letter I sent to both of my Senators and my Congressmen.  If you like it, feel free to copy and paste it and send it to your representatives, as well as your email list:

August 6, 2011

Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Dianne:

Our country is in dire need of reform and the place to start is with our Congress, both House and Senate. I am writing to you as one of your constituents to request that you bring forth the following in a bill to the Senate:

1. Congress was originally envisioned to be a legislation of the people, by the people and for the people. To that end, Congress needs term limits. Twelve years is more than enough time to serve our country and then return to their former work, therefore Congressional terms should be limited to three four-year Senate terms, six two-year House terms or any combination of the two totaling no more than 12 years.

2. Congress receives their salary while in office. Upon completion of their term(s), they return to their former occupation. They do not receive any further compensation from the American people, be it in the form of pensions, retirement pay, etc., except as stated in number 3.

3. Congress (and all Federal employees) must participate in Social Security. All funds currently held in Congressional or Federal employee retirement funds are to be moved to the Social Security immediately. All future funds will be paid directly to Social Security. Congress and Federal employees will participate in the same retirement as the American people.

4. Like all Americans, should Congress wish to receive additional retirement money, they can participate in any private retirement fund that is allowable to the American people.

5. Congress will no longer be allowed to vote themselves a pay raise. Salaries for all Congressmen, whether they be in the House or the Senate will be calculated at a starting salary of $100,000. Any pay differential for leadership positions will be eliminated immediately. From this starting salary, annual raises of the lower of CPI or 3% will be added. Those currently serving in the Congress will have their salaries adjusted immediately. Future Congressmen will have a starting salary of $100,000.

6. Congress shall participate in the same health care system as the rest of America. Any health care currently offered will be canceled immediately. Additionally, Congress and all Federal employees will pay their portion of their health care premiums based on the average percentage of cost paid by Americans in the private sector. No union negotiations can alter this amount. Cost for dependents will be calculated in a like manner.

7. All benefits for Federal employees (including both houses of Congresses and their staff) will be no greater than the average of benefits offered to the American employees of the private sector. This includes vacation time, holidays, medical benefits and all other perks.

8. Congress and all Federal employees must equally abide by all laws imposed on the American people.

I realize that these changes will mean a decrease in pay and benefits for you and your staff but they will also ensure a fairness to all Americans. Should you choose not to introduce this legislation or to vote against it when it is introduced, you will be replaced as my representative in the next election.


Mr. Patt Gavin

Reforming our Congress

If you agree with the following congressional reforms, please follow the instructions at the end of this writing. 

Our Congress (both House and Senate) is out of control and needs reform.  The following ideas have been circulating via email and they have merit:

1. Congress was originally envisioned to be a legislation of the people, by the people and for the people.  To that end, Congress needs term limits.  Twelve years is more than enough time to serve our country and then return to their former work, therefore Congressional terms should be limited to three four-year Senate terms, six two-year House terms or any combination of the two totaling no more than 12 years.

2. Congress receives their salary while in office.  Upon completion of their term(s), they return to their former occupation.  They do not receive any further compensation from the American people, be it in the form of pensions, retirement pay, etc., except as stated in number 3.

3. Congress (and all Federal employees) must participate in Social Security.  All funds currently held in Congressional or Federal employee retirement funds are to be moved to the Social Security immediately.  All future funds will be paid directly to Social Security.  Congress and Federal employees will participate in the same retirement as the American people. 

4. Like all Americans, should Congress wish to receive additional retirement money, they can participate in any private retirement fund that is allowable to the American people.

5. Congress will no longer be allowed to vote themselves a pay raise.  Salaries for all Congressmen, whether they be in the House or the Senate will be calculated at a starting salary of $100,000.  Any pay differential for leadership positions will be eliminated immediately.  From this starting salary, annual raises of the lower of CPI or 3% will be added.  Those currently serving in the Congress will have their salaries adjusted immediately.  Future Congressmen will have a starting salary of $100,000.

6. Congress shall participate in the same health care system as the rest of America.  Any health care currently offered will be canceled immediately.  Additionally, Congress and all Federal employees will pay their portion of their health care premiums based on the average percentage of cost paid by Americans in the private sector.  No union negotiations can alter this amount.  Cost for dependents will be calculated in a like manner.

7. All benefits for Federal employees (including both houses of Congresses and their staff) will be no greater than the average of benefits offered to the American employees of the private sector. This includes vacation time, holidays, medical benefits and all other perks.

8. Congress and all Federal employees must equally abide by all laws imposed on the American people.

If you agree with these reforms, write to your Congressmen, both in the House and the Senate.  If you don't know who your representatives are, you can find them from the Congressional websites.  Go to for your United State Representative and for your Senator.  For the Senate you will have two representatives.  Once you have located these people, simply cut and the past the eight points (above) into a letter and mail it to your representatives.  You can also email them but emails may be limited in size so it might not include the entire list.  Add to your correspondence that you wish your representatives to bring these reforms to the floor and that failure to do so and to vote for their passage will result in their being replaced as your representative at the next election.  Finally, cut and paste this entire writing and email it to your like-minded friends.

It's time the American people let our voices be heard.